Monday, April 14, 2008

Worst few days of? China

Well, it would be fitting that following the best week ever would be the worst three or four days ever. Of course, I wake up the following morning after China and feel absolutely horrible. Yep, I would get the stomach flu. Too much Chinese food. I loved spending three days hunched over a toilet—eating in total two crackers and half a piece of toast (that’s a diet for you)…oh, and two bottles of Gatorade. It was (and still isn’t so great, I’m not completely better yet) awful. Of course, yesterday was our FIRST day in Japan and I was still so miserable and weak and throwing up that I couldn’t even go out! I was so upset. I’ve been looking forward to Japan so much, and I was hysterically upset about being couped up on the ship. The worst part was that because of satellite interference we get absolutely NO internet OR phone access the entire time we’re in Japan, which meant I couldn’t call my mom for consolation and comfort (which is pretty much the only thing you want to do when you’re that sick).
I had an SAS trip to Kyoto today, and I was feeling better so I decided to brave it. I am so glad I did. I started out a little shaky (haha, kind of literally) but I got much better as the day went on. Still not great, and I had to make a few bathroom stops along the way, but still much better. Kyoto is absolutely beautiful! We went to the Golden Pavilion, Nijo Castle, a Shinto Shrine, and another Pagoda that I forgot the name of and am too lazy to double check what it’s called. I loved them all! Everything was so serene, peaceful, beautiful, and the cherry blossoms are AMAZING! We really lucked out, because we should have just missed their two-week blooming period, but we caught the end of it. Apparently there aren’t as many, but there are still plenty! They’re soooooo pretty. Well, I’m pretty beat because it’s been a long day, so sorry for the abrupt end. Have no fear, more on Japan to come!

1 comment:

mikesmutt said...

happy birthday---you're old enough to gamble